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Celtics Morning Joe: Rondo's at ease

Posted by shawn cassidy on September 30, 2012 at 6:00 AM

Rondo was showing a great side of who he is with the media during day one of camp. He was joking around, and he seemed at ease. But when you look into Rondo's eyes. You can see the competitive fire inside.  This is Rondo's camp, and this is his team to lead. It's a broken record, but it's a broken record that play's some music through the skipping. Take a look at the video below.. 

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Categories: Celtics Morning Joe

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Reply paul
08:06 AM on September 30, 2012 
You put it perfectly, Shawn. Rondo is joking around, but in his eyes, you see IT.
Reply Franklin
10:14 AM on September 30, 2012 
Exactly Shawn, Rondo has that relaxed,but seriuous tone that the big three had in 2008. He's confident.
Reply paul
10:49 AM on September 30, 2012 
Franklin says...
Exactly Shawn, Rondo has that relaxed,but seriuous tone that the big three had in 2008. He's confident.

He has seemed that way all summer. It's almost scary
Reply Franklin
11:24 AM on September 30, 2012 
paul says...
He has seemed that way all summer. It's almost scary

Its like he already knows what's ahead.
Reply paul
12:29 PM on September 30, 2012 
Franklin says...
Its like he already knows what's ahead.

Preternatural... uncanny ....
Reply Morena
11:34 AM on October 01, 2012 
If I were part of the team, I'd follow this guy even through the fire!!